Vinyasa Yoga

6:30–7:30 PM
in German


A well-rounded 60-minute Vinyasa Yoga class. We’re moving the entire body, whilst keeping a focus on a steady breath and calm mind. You can expect sun salutations and flowing sequences, strengthening, and balancing poses, hip openers, twists and backbends as well as an inversion and calming poses to finish. If you have any props at home, feel free to keep them nearby. A block is always great for some optional additional support in different asanas.
I use Eversports as my booking system. You can find more information via the button above.


7:30–8:30 AM
in German


We're starting the day together with an energizing sequence to wake up body and mind. Starting with some gentle mobilization, sun salutations and variations we slowly move into more heating, powerful and flowing sequences, whilst always keeping a focus on the breath. You can expect balancing poses, twists, hip openers and some extra backbends as well as calming asanas and of course Savasana to finish.
I use Eversports as my booking system. You can find more information via the button above.

Vinyasa Special

Saturday (monthly)
10–11:30 AM
in German


Once a month I’m teaching a 90-minute Vinyasa Special Class with a monthly changing focus or peak pose. In general, you can expect a well-rounded class with variations for different levels. We always start with a little warm up and sun salutations before we move into more flowing sequences that change according to the focus. Usually there are always some balancing poses, a little core activation, backbends, and an inversion to finish.
I use Eversports as my booking system. You can find more information via the button above.

Prices and Offers