Italy Yoga Retreat
Oct 19–25, 2024
Villa Pravernara, Italy

Fully booked

I’m very excited to invite you to Italy for my next Yoga Retreat! Seven days with me and my good friend and yoga teacher colleague Lucie André in the Piemonte, where we will delve deeply into the practices of yoga, soak up the golden autumn sun and enjoy the Italian ‘dolce vita’. I'm looking forward to seeing you there! At the moment all spots are taken. If you‘d like to get notified if a spot opens up again you’re welcome to sign up to the waitlist.



We will stay in the beautiful Villa Pravernara. My friend Sheila bought and renovated the 16th century villa a couple of years ago with her family and her partner to create a beautiful retreat place in the Italian countryside. Villa Pravernara is located in the Piemonte, only one hour away from the big cities Milan, Turin and Genoa and amidst forests, hills and meadows. During our retreat co-founder Yona will be cooking delicious vegan and seasonal meals for us. There will be some coffee, tea and fruit before our morning practice and then a big brunch afterwards. In the afternoon we’ll have a light snack before the second practice and then a nice dinner together in the evening.


We will start the day with a full vinyasa yoga class in the morning, including pranayama and meditation. In the asana part of the class, we will have a different focus, or a specific peak pose each day and we’ll take our time to really go into depth. You can expect powerful and creative sequences that prepare your body and mind for more challenging asanas. In the afternoon, we have a second yoga class that will either be a workshop, an asana lab, or a calming yin yoga class. In the workshops and asana labs we will break down different poses, to help us understand them at a deeper level and address any questions or wishes you may have. We will also have some talks about yoga philosophy and about how yoga affects life outside of the mat. The yin yoga classes will be taught by Lucie and will be a perfect addition to the powerful morning practice with restorative asanas and sound healing to end the day in a calm and relaxed way. Of course, all these offerings are optional, if you want to spend more time reading, or exploring the surroundings, you’re more than welcome to.

I’m very happy to have my friend Lucie André join me as a co-teacher on this retreat. We know each other from a training we did together and from Berlin where Lucie teaches in different studios. As a certified teacher (Vinyasa, Hatha, Yin, Restorative and Sound), she shares her passion for yoga with powerful tools such as breathwork, meditation, creative sequences, sound journeys, and yogic wisdom. She designs holistic experiences mixing various elements of Anatomy, Yoga Philosophy & Traditional Chinese Medicine. Her approach is based on inclusivity, spirituality, and self-inquiry. She wishes to help her students find a deep presence on the mat, so they can eventually infuse this state of being in their daily life. She believes that body and mind are closely related, so expect a full activation of your entire vessel, both on the physical, mental and emotional levels.
Both Lucie's and my classes as well as the workshops will be in English. In individual communication we can change between English, German and French, if needed.



08:00 Tea/Coffee & Fruit
08:30 – 10:30 Morning Practice  
11:00 Brunch
Time to relax, read, explore the surroundings
15:00 Light Snack
16:30 Afternoon Practice
19:30 Dinner


Check-in: Saturday 19.10. from 4pm.
Check-out: Friday 25.10. until 11am. We’ll have breakfast at 9am on departure day and no yoga class.


You can choose between sharing a room with one or two other people or having your own space. All single rooms have ensuite bathrooms. The shared double and triple rooms have either shared or ensuite bathrooms. In case you would be open to several room options, you can indicate so in the booking form. As Villa Pravernara is being renovated at the moment, there are no photos of the rooms yet.


Single Room (ensuite): 1.700€
Double Room (ensuite): 1.550€
Double Room (shared): 1.350€
Triple Room (ensuite): 1.350€
Triple Room (shared): 1.250€

At the moment all spots are taken. If you‘d like to get notified if a spot opens up again you’re welcome to sign up to the waitlist below.

Fully booked


– 6 Nights at Villa Pravernara
– 2 Vegan meals per day plus afternoon snack
– 1 Welcome Practice
– 5 Morning Practices
– 5 Afternoon Practices (workshop/ asana lab/ yin yoga)
– 2 Specials with Lucie

Not included:

– Travel insurance
– Train/ Flight to Milan/Genoa/Turin
– Transfer from Milan/Genoa/Turin to Villa Pravernara (check FAQs on how to get there)


Do I have to be an experienced Yoga practicioner to join?

No. We will be offering different variations and modifications in class, so you can adjust the practice to your needs. However, this retreat is not recommended for complete beginners.

How many people will be on the retreat?

There will be a maximum of 23 guests plus the team.

How do I get to Villa Pravernara?

There are different options for getting to Villa Pravernara. It’s usually a good option to travel to either Milan, Genoa, or Turin by train or plane. From either of those cities, it’s a one-hour drive to Villa Pravernara. Alternatively, you can take a train or bus from one of the bigger cities to Valenza which is the town next to Villa Pravernara. From there it’s only a 5 minute taxi ride to Villa Pravernara.
If you would like to share the ride, I can add you to a Google Doc so you can get in touch with fellow retreat participants.

Do I have to bring anything in particular?

You should bring comfortable clothes for your yoga practice, your yoga mat (if possible) and anything else you may need for your practice (props like blocks, straps, etc. are available at Villa Pravernara). You should also bring your bathingsuit and towel, a good book, proper shoes for excursions and walks and suitable clothing. I recommend you check the weather forecast before your arrival, it can already get a little chilly in October.

Photo Credits: Villa Pravernara: Hannes Maria Meier & Eva Tuerbl